If you use LLC or an equivalent for an older Toyota, take care when mixing. Always use the recommended OE coolant type to avoid these issues. Coolant gelling can restrict a radiator or clog a heater core, and electrolysis can quickly damage aluminum components. These issues include a shortened life span of the coolant, increased corrosiveness and can lead to gelling of the coolant or even electrolysis issues. Mixing coolant types or using the wrong coolant can have several negative consequences. Finally, the most important reason for the different colors is to make sure the correct fluid is being added to a vehicle, since mixing coolant types can lead to serious complications down the line. Another reason for dye is that it makes it easier to see the coolant when checking the level in an overflow tank or inspecting for a coolant leak under the hood. First, the different colors help to distinguish one type of coolant from another. Manufactures do this for several reasons. Today, most coolants are dyed a unique color. Originally, a coolant’s color was due to the chemicals and anti-corrosive agents that were used during formulation, but with modern coolants that no longer holds true. What’s With All the Colors? Toyota Pink Super Long Life Coolant (SLLC) In this edition of TOYOTAtech, we’ll take a look at Toyota’s pink coolant and some of the cooling system components that use this coolant, including electric coolant pumps, EGR coolers and heat exchangers. Toyota currently recommends SLLC for all Toyota cooling systems, both for the internal combustion engine and hybrid power electronics. The first replacement interval is usually at 100,000 miles. As its name implies, SLLC lasts for a very long time. Pink SLLC is pre-mixed with deionized water for convenience and the assurance of a proper mix. In 2004, Toyota transitioned from red Long-Life Coolant (LLC) to the improved pink Super Long-Life Coolant (SLLC). A study in Toyota’s pink coolant and some of the cooling system components that utilize this coolant including electric coolant pumps, EGR coolers and heat exchangers.